Sentence Structure
Sentence Structure
Tag questions with 是不是 and 是否
They are used when a speaker wants to confirm what she or he already believes.
Making complex sentences out of three or more simple sentences
Complex sentences are the sentences with three or more grammatical basics.
Basic sentence structure
Chinese sentences have very strict word order. The meaning of what is said may depend on it. In other words, changing the order of words can change the meaning of a sentence.
The non-subject-predicate construction
The non-subject-predicate construction (非主谓句) is a sentence whose initial constituent is not the subject but rather the predicate, or a sentence whose constituent is neither a clear-cut subject nor a predicate.
Sentences with two verbs
We'll talk about sentences where we use the verbs of motion 来 or 去 and another verb. The second verb indicates the purpose of the movement or the mode of movement.
The pivotal sentences
Double-object sentence
(双兵语句) A double-object sentence is a sentence where a verb is followed by two objects.
Prepositions in Chinese
A preposition (介词) is an auxiliary part of speech that expresses a relationship between words in phrases and sentences.
Complete and incomplete sentences
Chinese sentences can be either complete or incomplete. A complete sentence must have a subject and a predicate. An incomplete consists of only the subject or only the predicate.
Interrogative sentence
There are few types of interrogative sentences (疑问句) in Chinese. Let's look at each of them.
Chinese inverted sentences
An inversion or inverted sentence (倒装句) is a change in the basic word order of a sentence. It stylistically and emotionally colors the sentence. We should emphasize these sentences using intonation.
The order of adverbial modifiers in a sentence
An adverbial modifier is a part of a sentence that modifies a verb-predicate and describes a feature or characteristic of an action.
Negative sentences in Chinese
A negative sentence (否定句) is constructed by adding a negative particle before the predicate.
Verbless sentences
In these sentences, the predicate is not a verb, but rather a noun, adjective, participle, or adverb. This type of predicate is called a nominal predicate.
Cases where the subject is not expressed by a noun or a pronoun
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